The Application of Titanium in Sea Water Environment?

May 26, 2022

The Application of Titanium in Sea Water Environment?

Titanium metal is reported to be highly resistant to general corrosion in sea water environment, it does not suffer microbialinduced corrosion , and although a very small degree of biofouling can be present, no corrosion is found under marine organisms.

In desalination plants, titanium is used in heat exchangers, where the temperature is usually kept around 130°C, while titanium is reported to be immune to generalized corrosion up to 260°C. Moreover, it is reported that the metal does not suffer erosion and cavitation corrosion up to 36 m/s in this environment.

These properties make titanium suitable for a variety of applications involving seawater, starting from thin-walled heat exchanger tubing, with consequent good heat transfer properties, up to submarine hulls, ships, platforms, desalination plants, salt production evaporators, and water jet propulsion systems.