Titanium Plate Anode for Electrowinning of Cobalt

Titanium Plate Anode for Electrowinning of Cobalt

Electrowinning of cobalt from chloride solutions has several advantages over sulphate, like higher electrolyte conductivity, lower electrolyte viscosity, lower anodic and  cathodic overpotentials, more uniform and ductile metal deposition at high current densities and higher activity of the cobalt ion, resulting in less sensitivity towards fluctuations in electrolyte pH. Higher solubility also makes it possible to operate with more concentrated solutions.

The dimensionally stable anode (DSA ) is a key component in electrowinning processes. The DSA consists of a substrate of a valve metal coated with noble metal oxides formed by thermal decomposition. When polarized in the cathodic direction, valve group metals like titanium, tantalum, zirconium and niobium are able to conduct current. On the other hand, when polarized anodically, a nonconducting oxide film is formed, which makes these metals extremely stable in many aggressive media.
UTron manufacture titanium plate anode for electrowinning of cobalt from chloride solutions by thermal decomposition applied on pretreated titanium plate. The electrocatalytic coating is composites of noble metal oxides like ruthenium, ruthenium, and other platinum group metal. This DSA titanium anode performed a high electrical energy consumption and high corrosion stability.

Anode substrate: Titanium in Grade 1 or 2;
Coating: Ruthenium iridium oxide;
Coating thickness: 5-20 micron;
Electrolyte: Chloride Solutions;
Current density:1000 A/m2;
Service life: 2-5 years.

High electrical conductivity;
Low overpotential;
High stability;
Lower energy consumption;
High corrosion resistance.

Wastewater electrochemical treatment;
Brine water Electro-Chlorination;
Chlor-alkali Industry;
Chlorine Evolution Reaction.

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