--> Platinum Titanium Plates for Water Ionizer

Platinum Titanium Plates electrode for Water Ionizer Electrolysis

Platinum Coated Titanium electrode for Water Ionizer Electrolysis is a crucial component in the electrolysis chamber for a water ionizer. The material of the electrode not only increases the efficiency of electrolysis, but it can also contaminate the water. Corrosion, oxidation and degradation of the electrodes are common problems with electrolysis. Once the electrodes undergo deterioration, it may adversely affect one’s health.

Platinum titanium plates electrode is mostly employed in water ionizer recently. As an inert material, platinum does not react with the electrolytes or products during electrolysis. It also offers excellent electrical conductivity enable to increases the longevity of the machine.

UTron uses medical grade titanium as base material, adopts nano-plating technology to coat the platinum. Nano plating provides more surface area and denser coating to create best ORP alteration and durability. Other manufacturers use a specialized dip and spray application, which leaves the surface rough to the touch. The electrode is both sides coated; this reversing polarity design enables continuous cleaning, the electrode plates to remain free of calcium or scale build-up …which allows for the most efficient water ionization.
The Platinum Titanium Plates is thick electro-plated platinum on titanium, providing the highest level of conductivity and durability. The cutting edge design and proven durability of electro-plated platinum plating ensures you get the best ORP alteration and durability.

Parameters of Platinum Titanium Plates electrode for Water Ionizer Electrolysis:
Base Material: Pure titanium in Gr1 or Gr2;
Shape: solid plate/Reticular/flaky or customize;
Coating: Platinum;
Coating Area: double side of the plate;
Platinum Coating Thickness: 0.5-10 micron;
Number of plates: 5, 7, 9, 11or customize;
Dimension: 135x75x2mm; 279x127x267mm or customize;
Operating life: 2-10 Years;

Automatic Cleaning, no scale build up;
More surface area;
Efficient ORP alteration; 
Long operating life;
No toxic material leaching;
Corrosion resistance.

Alkaline water ionizer;
Hypochlorous acid generator;
Hydrogen-rich generator;
HHO generator.

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