What Do You Need to Know before an Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Installation?
What Do You Need to Know before an ICCP system Installation?
Impressed current cathodic protection is applied by coupling the metal to be protected to the negative pole of a direct current source , while the positive pole is coupled to an auxiliary anode.
Impressed current anodes should be inspected for compliance with specifications for anode material, size, and length of lead wire and to confirm that the anode cap (if specified) is secure. Lead wires should be carefully inspected to detect possible insulation defects. Defects in the lead wires and anode caps are to be properly repaired, or the anode should be rejected. Insulation damage from construction and installation can arise (e.g., due to welding) and should be immediately repaired. Careful supervision of this phase is essential for proper long-term performance of the cathodic protection system.
The anode and electrode surfaces should be protected by covers with the visible words”DO NOT
PAINT” when installed and during the coating process.
Conductor cable connections to the rectifier from the anode(s) and the structure should be mechanically secure and electrically conductive. Before the power source is energized, verification is to be made that the negative conductor is connected to the structure to be protected, that the positive conductor is connected to the anode(s), and that the system is free of short circuits (i.e., the anode is NOT shorted to the structure).
System controllers should be installed at least 1 meter (3 feet) from compasses and other magnetically sensitive equipment. Associated wiring should be either twisted pair type or shielded when in proximity to such equipment.
When installing a suspended anode for which a separate suspension cable is required, care should be taken that the lead wire is not in such tension as to damage the anode lead wire or connections.
All electrical connections to the AC or DC electrical system should comply with applicable codes and operator’s specifications. Nameplate and actual rating of the DC power source should comply with construction specifications. An external disconnect switch in the AC wiring to the rectifier should be provided.