What is Fenton Reaction and Application?
What is Fenton Reaction and Application?
The Fenton reaction involves the following sequence of major steps:
Fe2+ + H2O2 → Fe3+ + OH– + ·OH
Fe3+ + ·OH → Fe3+ + OH–
H2O2 + ·OH → · HO2 + H2O
Fe2+ + · HO2 → Fe3+ + HO2 -
Today, Fenton’s process is used to treat a variety of industrial wastes containing a range of toxic organic compounds (phenols, formaldehyde, BTEX, and complex wastes derived from dyestuffs, pesticides, wood preservatives, plastics additives, and rubber chemicals). The process may be applied to wastewaters, sludge, or contaminated soils, with the effects being: organic pollutant destruction, toxicity reduction, biodegradability improvement, BOD and COD removal, odor and color removal.