--> When to Replace the Anode Rod in A Water Heater?

When to Replace the Anode Rod in A Water Heater?

Apr 23, 2021

When to Replace the Anode Rod in A Water Heater?

All water heaters have solid rods, usually in magnesium, aluminum, or zinc material suspended in the tank. This kind of sacrificial anode rod is to keep the steel tank away from corrosion. The working principle is simple. When two metals are in contact in a water solution, the more reactive metal will corrode completely before the less active metal begins to rust. Since magnesium, aluminum, and zinc anode are far more reactive compared to the steel in the water heater tank so that the sacrificial anode rod is corroded.

Generally every three to five years in hard water areas, the anode rod needs replacement.For better to know the status of the water heater, an annual check of the water heater is necessary.